《 Wizard's Hand 》  2018

h550*w850*d300 (mm) / ミクストメディア



《 Wizard's Hand 》  2018 

h550*w850*d300 (mm) / mixed-media


The body has been a major subject throughout art history and reflected the knowledge and perspective of each age. Nowadays, biology has revealed that organic bodies are no longer fixed but fluid entities which are changing without pause.

The equipment conserves and keeps the clay in moist by supplying fresh water constantly. This is a simple model of an organic body, not only in shape, but also in function.


Attempting to make an artificial object close to nature reminds us of other examples. Golem, homunculus, Frankenstein's monster, and Hadaly. It is a history of imagining perfection and immortality which have also been recurring subjects in art history. There is a scene in the novel by Villiers de l'Isle-Adam where "The Wizard of Menlo Park" shows a lifelike artificial hand as a trial product for his android. This made me decide to use the hand as a motif.